Fee Schedule-

For All On-Location Notorial Acts (plus mileage fees @ $2.50per mile)
$10 for taking an acknowledgement

$10 for taking a verification upon an oath or affirmation

$10 for certifying a copy of a document

$10 for witnessing or attesting a signature

$10 for protesting commercial paper, except $0 for a check drawn on an insolvent financial institution

 $10 for administering an oath or affirmation without a signature

For Remote Online Notorial Acts -

$25 for taking an acknowledgement

$25 for taking a verification upon an oath or affirmation

$25 for certifying a copy of a document

$25 for witnessing or attesting a signature

$25 for protesting commercial paper, except $0 for a check drawn on an insolvent financial institution

 $25 for administering an oath or affirmation without a signature

Oregon Notary Public

Harrison Valetski is an Oregon Notary Public and Loan Signing Agent. He is covered by Errors & Omissions Insurance & His Commission Expires 02/28/2028. Please Use This Form To Contact and Schedule for Service